Expedition 2022

The MUST project team visited Luleå in May/June 2022 in order to investigate how this northern city works to become more sustainable. The city is going through a dramatic period of growth now, expecting to add 20,000 residents to the population of 80,000. It is the site of a Facebook server farm and new fossil-free steel plant. A new battery factory and an additional steel plant are coming to nearby cities. Luleå is building new neighborhoods to accommodate the expected new residents. Overall, Luleå is an interesting case study of how cities manage change in adapting to the new environment of the Arctic.

Robert Orttung, Director of Research, Sustainable GWU

Luleå, Sweden

Photo by Max Sher. Kiruna, Sweden

May 23

Meeting with Lumire company

Tour of Risslan, Lumire’s new recycling facility

Photos by Jacob Tafrate

Meeting with Helén Wiklund Wårell (Head of the City Planning/Building Administration) and Maria Nordgren (Head of Democracy & Society) at the municipality administrative building.

Welcome Meeting with Pär Weihed, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Luleå University of Technology.

Welcome Meeting with Simon Matti, Professor of Political Science at Luleå University of Technology.

Presentation about ArtSLInK by Olga Zaslavskaya, Vera Kuklina, Andrey Petrov and Max Sher.

ArtSLInK presentation (PDF 14 Mb)

Artist Presentation by Max Sher.

May 24

Tour of ICE Data Center with Mattias Vesterlund (Project Manager) at RISE

Tour the Data Center Greenhouse (Energy Innovation) in Boden, Sweden

Meeting with Mattias Vesterlund, Håkan Nordin (Boden Business Agency) and Helena Löfgren (Job Centre at Boden Municipality)

May 25

Meeting with Johan Sjökvist (Luleå Business Region), AnneLie Granljung (Planning Director, Societal Development for Luleå Municipality), Viktor Kåreborn (Program leader for Kompetenslotsen, a collaboration between Luleå Business Region and the municipality, working on strategic labor market policy)

Meeting with Carina Samelli (Director of Municipal Government)

Meeting with Mats Aspemo (Director of Regional Public Transport Authority, Norrbotten County)

May 26

Artist Presentation by Aleksandra Ianchenko

Artist Workshop CITY SKETCHING by Aleksandra Ianchenko

Sketching in the city

Photo by Aleksandra Ianchenko. Luleå, Sweden

Photo by Aleksandra Ianchenko. Luleå, Sweden

Photo by Aleksandra Ianchenko. Luleå, Sweden

Sketches by participants

May 27

Discussion about Yellowknife with Mayor Rebecca Alty

Artist Workshop City Sketching: Discussion by Aleksandra Ianchenko

Sketching Atmospheres of the City. Story by Aleksandra Ianchenko

Kiruna, Sweden

May 30

Meeting with Elin Håkansson, Destination Development (Tourism) Kiruna Lapland

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Meeting with Nina Eliasson (Planning and Development Manager of Kiruna Municipality, managing the transformation and move of the city) at Municipal Building

Photo by Max Sher. Kiruna, Sweden

Photo by Marya Rozanova-Smith. Kiruna, Sweden

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya. Kiruna, Sweden

Photo by Marya Rozanova-Smith. Kiruna, Sweden

Photo by Marya Rozanova-Smith. Kiruna, Sweden

Photo by Zoe Garbis. Kiruna, Sweden

May 31

Meeting with Joakim Norman (RIT & LTU Business in Kiruna)

Nutti Sámi Siida: Reindeer, Sámi culture and food in Jukkasjärvi, Kiruna

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Jokkmokk, Sweden

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya. Jokkmokk, Sweden

June 1

Meeting with Jan Erik Läntta, Chair, Jåhkågaska tjiellde sameby (at Ajtte)

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Photo by Vera Kuklina

Meeting with Jan Erik Läntta, Chair, Jåhkågaska tjiellde sameby (at Ajtte)

Guided tour of Ájtte Museum

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Time TBD Virtual meeting with Sara-Elvira Kuhmunen (Saminuorra, Young Sami Organization)

Stop at Storforsen on the way to Luleа

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Luleå, Sweden

June 2

Discussion about social sustainability and urban transformations with Eugenia Segerstedt (sociologist and historian at Luleå University of Technology)

Roundtable of ArtSLInK progress

Photo by Zoe Garbis

Photo by Zoe Garbis

June 3

Virtual meeting with Dag Avango (Professor of History at LTU) about history of technological and cultural change in the Arctic

Meeting with Jenny Ekerljung (organizer for youth at Luleå Municipality) at Navet (Youth center)

Meeting with Nils Harnesk (Chair of Luleå Lokaltrafik LLT, Public transport system) at LTU

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Meeting with Johan Sandström (Professor of Business/Sociology at LTU and author of Gruvans Makt “The power of the mine” about Kiruna)

June 4

Visit of exhibition

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

Photo by Olga Zaslavskaya

June 5

Drive to Northvolt Ett opening day event

Photo by Robert Orttung

Photo by Robert Orttung

Photo by Robert Orttung

June 6

Cow release day

Photo by Robert Orttung

June 7

Meeting with Janus Brandin, Director of Development for Norrbotten County

June 8

Drive to Markbygden Wind Farm in Pitea

June 13

Seminar at Nordregio